In conjunction of FRO Chennai 2017 on 16th & 17th December 2017, Ministry of Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs (KPDNKK) and its agency, Perbadanan Nasional Berhad (PNS) had taken initiative to organise an international trade mission to Chennai , along with eight parties of Malaysia Franchisors. IPM was one of the delegates who participated in the FRO 2017 and promoted IPM Franchise System at the international platform.
The objective of the international trade mission was to assist Malaysia Franchisors to introduce and promote their products or services to the India market. During the event, as the first engineering consultancy firm who obtained franchise license in Malaysia, IPM had greatly increased its exposure in the India market as an engineering consultancy service provider. Besides attracted more than hundred franchise enquiries, IPM also successfully connected with few parties of building and construction players in Chennai during the expo for further collaboration.